Aleksandr Lapshin's Sophomore Recital
Aleks prepared some challenging music for his second outing in Oberlin, including major works by Bach, Regondi and Berkeley. He opened his program with the beloved tour-de-force Lute Suite BWV 1006a. (Full program at the end of the post)
Aleksandr Lapshin on stage in Fairchild Chapel
He played the suite with elegant confidence and sure touch. After the Bach, Aleks offered the classic modern British work of Lennox Berkeley, his spiky but charismatic Sonatina.
The crowd in Fairchild was small but appreciative as Aleks performed. The sound he got in the room was terrific, proving once again, how lucky we are at Oberlin to have such a space for guitar recitals.
He finished the program with the virtuoso favorite, Introduction et Caprice of Regondi. He played the piece with ample confidence and clarity. The audience loved it.
Aleksandr takes a bow
Bravo, Aleksandr, on an impressive performance! (See his Freshman Recital here.)