Damian Goggans' Junior Recital
Damian Goggans played our final recital of the season, like the others, in Fairchild Chapel. His was well-attended, having brought out many friends and well-wishers from his Cleveland home as well as from across the campus.
Damian Goggans on stage in Fairchild Chapel
He had just given his Sophomore Recital in the fall, so had only had about seven months to prepare this one. Even so, he pulled together an impressive hour of music, including both the new and the familiar. In the latter category, favorites by Villa-Lobos and Brouwer were on offer while, in the former, two works by Black American composers were presented. These two, of particular interest, were by Thomas Flippin and Kareem McCullough—this last one in a first Ohio performance. (Full program at the end of the post).
Damian opened, hauntingly, by singing a cappella, in a resonant baritone voice two spirituals, each followed by the guitar solo Flippin composed around the melodies. The audience was hushed as he set the mood.
Brouwer’s chestnut, El Decameron Negro, followed. Then the new work by McCullough, amusingly entitled Under Quarantine, was a delicate balance of minimalist, rock and neo-romantic melodicisms. It was effective on stage as Damian invested it with compelling dynamic shape.
Damian finished with Villa-Lobos’ beloved Preludes. The audience rewarded him with a raucous standing ovation. Bravo, Damian, for a successful and enjoyable program!
Damian takes a bow
See Damian’s Freshman Recital here.