Oberlin Spring Guitar Ensemble Concert II
We had our second Guitar Ensemble concert of the season this week, featuring several works for two guitars as well as a work featuring a soprano and one featuring the oboe. It was a terrific performance of some very challenging works. After the concert, the entire studio met at The Feve (as usual) and celebrated the end of a terrific year. Bravo to all involved!!!
Jacob Blizard's arrangement of a symphonic work started the program, he and his duo partner, Leonard Ranallo, performed it. Seiber's beautiful French songs followed in a sensitive reading by Dan Nitsch and Amelia Keenan. Max Lyman played all of Takemitsu's All In Twilight, then Rebecca Klein and Brian King played the terrific Sonata Canonica of Tedesco. Mohit Dubey and oboist Theodora Roussos played some of Rebay's Sonata, then we closed with the tremendous Rodrigo Tonadilla, played by Stephen Fazio and Max Lyman.
Jacob Blizard and Lenny Ranallo
Daniel Nitsch and Amelia Keenan
Max Lyman
Rebecca Klein and Brian King
Mohit Dubey and Theodosia Roussos
Stephen Fazio and Max Lyman
Here is the full program: