Stephen Fazio's Junior Recital and Mini-Tour.
Oberlin Junior, Stephen Fazio, played an extraordinary junior recital last week. His mastery of the material was evident for all to see and hear.
He gave the performance three times--besides the one at the Conservatory, he played once for our local retirement home, Kendall (they have a very nice recital hall and over 100 attended) and on a series created by the Cleveland Classical Guitar Society called "Rising Stars." This special series offers performance slots to deserving young players; Stephen earned his slot when he won first prize in the Stroud Guitar Competition in 2013. Check out the picture of Stephen next to the standee they made for him!
Fazio played works by Scarlatti, Brouwer, Ponce and Llobet.
At the Conservatory's Kulas Recital Hall:

At Kendall:

With CCGS Standee:
